How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Last (Plus Storage & Safety Tips)

We’ve all been there: you whip up a batch of perfect hard-boiled eggs, but life gets in the way and they linger in the fridge. 

You might ask yourself, “Are they still safe to eat?” 

This article dives deep into the world of hard-boiled egg longevity, answering the burning question: How long do these snacks last before going bad? 

From storage tips to spoilage signs, we’ll crack open the secrets to enjoying your hard-boiled eggs safely and deliciously.

The image displays a plate with sliced hard-boiled eggs, their bright orange yolks visible. A knife rests on the plate, which features a decorative pattern. The setting suggests the eggs are ready to be served.

How long does it take for hard-boiled eggs to go bad? (FDA Storage Recommendations)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises that hard-boiled eggs can be safely consumed up to one week after cooking, provided they are stored correctly.

To prevent flavor absorption from strong-smelling foods, it’s wise to keep eggs away from them. An egg holder or dedicated container offers a practical solution, protecting eggs from odor transfer and preserving their natural taste.

Marking the cooking date on each egg can help you track their freshness and ensure you consume them within a safe timeframe.

Do hard-boiled eggs last longer peeled or unpeeled?

The answer is straightforward: keep them unpeeled.

The reason behind this is the eggshell itself. Acting as a natural protective barrier, the shell safeguards the egg’s delicate insides from external contaminants and prevents moisture from escaping. 

As a result, unpeeled hard-boiled eggs can enjoy a longer shelf life, remaining fresh for up to 7 days when stored in the refrigerator.

On the other hand, peeling hard-boiled eggs might seem convenient, but it comes with a downside. Once peeled, eggs are more exposed to air and potential contaminants, which can compromise their quality and safety. 

Therefore, it’s best to consume peeled hard-boiled eggs within 1-2 days to ensure they remain at their best.

The Two-Hour Rule for Non-Refrigerated Eggs

When it comes to hard-boiled eggs left out at room temperature, the safety guidelines tighten significantly. 

According to, such eggs remain safe to eat only within two hours. This window narrows to just one hour if the eggs are exposed to temperatures above 90°F (32°C), a common scenario during picnics, etc.

This advice is especially pertinent for seasonal activities such as Easter egg hunts and other spring celebrations, where eggs often find themselves hidden outdoors and away from refrigeration for lengthy periods.

Guidelines for Egg-Containing Dishes

The shelf life of dishes containing cooked eggs differs slightly from hard-boiled eggs. 

The FDA recommends serving cooked egg dishes immediately and reheating hot eggs to 165°F (73°C) before consumption.

Leftovers should be refrigerated within two hours and consumed within three to four days. For cold egg dishes, keeping them on ice if they’ll be out for more than two hours helps maintain their safety and quality.

Recognizing Spoiled Hard-Boiled Eggs

The most immediate indicator of spoilage is the smell. A spoiled egg will release a sulfurous or rotten odor, signaling it’s unsafe for consumption. 

If the egg is still in its shell, you may need to crack it open to assess any foul smells. Always trust your instincts—if an egg smells off, it’s safest to throw it away.

Beyond odor, there are visual and tactile signs to watch for:

  • Discoloration around the yolk: While a greenish or grayish ring around the yolk is common and harmless due to overcooking, any other significant color changes in the yolk itself, like green, pink, or black, it’s a clear indication the egg is no longer good.
  • Mold growth: On the Shell or Egg White: Look out for fuzzy spots or unusual discoloration. These are signs of mold, and the egg should be discarded immediately.
  • Feel of the Egg: A fresh hard-boiled egg will have a smooth and firm texture. If the egg feels slimy or chalky to the touch, it’s a sign that the egg has spoiled and should not be eaten.

The Need for Refrigeration

In the United States, fresh commercially produced eggs need to be refrigerated to minimize the risk of food poisoning. 

This is because the cleaning process eggs undergo can remove their natural protective barrier, making them more susceptible to contamination. 

However, in many European countries (like the UK), it’s common to store eggs at room temperature for a few weeks. When in doubt, refrigeration is the safest option.

Storage Times for Eggs and Egg Products

Here’s a quick reference for the storage times of various egg products in the refrigerator:

Egg ProductStorage Time in Refrigerator
Fresh, raw shell eggsApproximately 4-5 weeks beyond the sell-by date, or about 3 weeks after purchase
Fresh egg whites2-4 days
Fresh egg yolks (unbroken and covered with water)2-4 days
Deviled eggs2-3 days
Leftover egg dishes3-4 days
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